7min, 16mm, 2013.

In order to forget an awful experience, a man roams through a distant country.

Foreigner: Jesús Izaguirre
Voice: Frank Toledano

Screenplay/Photography/Editor/Director: Alfonso Nogueroles
Music: Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Sound: Sergio Pellico, Marcos Salso

FICA (Aguilar de Campoo, Spain), TraverseVideo (Toulouse, France), FIVAC (Camaguey, Cuba), Cap Espartel (Tangiers, Morocco), FIC (San Miguel, Argentina), Picknic Festival (Santander, Spain)…

In the collection of CAM (Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Italy)

Broadcast on Canal arte

A sort of “Making of”, courtesy of Hiro Motoshima.